It is a legal requirement under the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 for employers to analyze work stations and to make risk assessments. They have to provide proper training and information, allow breaks or changes in work activity and eye tests if requested.
Various factors can cause or worsen pain in the arms, neck and back such as repetitive work, uncomfortable working positions, using a large amount of force, working for long periods of time without a break and a poor working environment.
There may be symptoms of tenderness, aching, stiffness, weakness, tingling, numbness, cramp or swelling. These can be prevented or reduced by managing the work environment, postural advice, Osteopathic treatment and specific exercises to address the problem.
Repetitive work can be broken up and interspersed with a different type of task. Regulating the amount of force used and minimizing over-head work can reduce the symptoms. The working environment should be monitored so that it's not too hot or cold and to ensure there is enough light to work in, without glare or shadow. Work can be rotated so that one person isn't exposed to more risk than the others.
Please contact Jenny for further information on 07754 093301 or email at if you require a workplace assessment whether it's in the office or at home.